I'm a bit of an eclectic mess 🙂 I've been a programmer, journalist, editor, TV producer, and a few other things.

I'm currently working on my second novel which is complete, but is in the edit stage. I wrote my first novel over 20 years ago but then didn't write much till now.

I post about #Coding, #Flutter, #Writing, #Movies and #TV. I'll also talk about #Technology, #Gadgets, #MachineLearning, #DeepLearning and a few other things as the fancy strikes ...

Lived in: 🇱🇰🇸🇦🇺🇸🇳🇿🇸🇬🇲🇾🇦🇪🇫🇷🇪🇸🇵🇹🇶🇦🇨🇦
@boringold I'm curious, but how do you define images generated by code? As in, aren’t images generated using machine learning models, also generated via code, though perhaps not always code written by you?

Not trying to be argumentative, but genuinely curious 🙂 Is this like possibly generating SVG images? Or just putting together basic primitives (circles, rectangles etc.) to create an image?

Would you happen to have any links to samples of your work that you consider #GenerativeArt that I can take a look at?

I’m curious and fascinated …

Fahim Farook

In the past year, I've seen at least 3 - 4 Indian movies in different languages about foreign pharmaceutical corporations coming to India and doing dangerous drug trials on children (generally in orphanages) and/or poor people in a given area.

Is this just movie-makers following a trend? Or a political attempt to foster isolationism through (subtle) propaganda? Or based on a kernel of truth?

Anybody know?

#Movies #India #Tamil #Telugu #DrugTrials #PropagandaOrTruth

Fahim Farook

It's interesting how posting/editing on the various platforms varies due to text length for a single post ..

On Bluesky, I have to really pare it down to fit within the 300-char limit. On Threads, I can expand upon the thought a bit more since posts can be a bit longer, and on Fedi, (where I can have 8k char posts), I can go to town ... 😛

But are my posts here better for it?

I don’t know. I just write here and don’t worry about whether I’m repeating myself, or if my thoughts can be expressed better.

But especially on Bluesky, I find myself looking at each sentence and figuring out what can be cut and how things can be made shorter and yet retain the essence of the thought.

Does that make me a better editor/writer? Maybe?

#Thoughts #PostingOnSocialMedia #Writing #Editing

Fahim Farook

I used to use the #AIArt hashtag for the art I post on social media that was machine generated. But no longer ...

The current systems are not intelligent — they are just statistical predictive systems.

I now use the hashtag #GenerativeArt for my machine learning generated art. I think that might be a better description? I don't know that for sure, but it certainly feels better than continuing to use the #AIArt tag 😛

Fahim Farook

It's an interesting thing about Tamil — Indians (or at least some Indians) say that Sri Lankan Tamils speak the same language as us and so they are our brothers/sisters.

And yet, when they show Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil/Indian movies, they always speak a variant of Tamil that sets them apart. Even weirder still, the Tamil they speak sounds weird to me since I’ve never heard that kind of Tamil from any of the Sri Lankan Tamil people I’ve talked to/associated with 😛

So why use this weird Tamil? Is that shorthand for “they are different than us”? And if yes, isn’t that lazy? And also possibly breaks the whole “they are our brethren” sentiment?

I don’t know … People are strange … And of course, movies are stranger still 😀

#Movies #Tamil #India #SriLanka
@gaveen Yeah, the huge number of episodes is daunting, but I’m hoping we like it based on what I’ve seen of the Netflix show and that means that we are set up for a long time in terms of content 😛

The Netflix show had so many laugh-out-loud moments that I’m really looking forward to watching the anime now. Only have season 1 at the moment but if we like that, then I guess it’s truly on 😛
@gaveen Haven’t finished watching it (well, barely started … since we’ve only watched the first episode) but loving it so far 🙂

Hadn’t seen the original either and so after watching the first adaptation, we’ve decided to give the anime version a try too …

Fahim Farook

*Ring* It's the telephone.

“Hello?” I say tentatively.

“We are calling from your bank. We are updating the security on all our debit cards. We need to verify some information.”

Alarm bells are going off all over in my head already.

“You called me. I don’t know who you are.” I say.

“Oh, we are sending you an SMS from Abu Dhabi police. That should verify us,” they say breezily.

"Why is the Abu Dhabi police sending messages for a bank?” I wonder. But the other person is rattling off stuff and not giving me time to think. I check the phone and sure enough, there’s an SMS from “ADPolice” (“That can be anyone, or even spoofed,” my mind counters …)

I decided to play along for a little while longer and see what happened.

“OK, I got the SMS,” I say.

“See? That verifies that I am who I said, I am,” the guy says enthusiastically. “Can you verify your card number? The first digits are … “ He reads out the first few digits, which I knew would be common and well-known.

So I should probably have hung up at this point. Or, better still in hindsight, given a fake set of numbers for the card to see if they accepted it. If they accepted the fake number, then they can’t be from the bank, right?

I didn’t think of that though. But I figured they already had my card number and so gave them the number. Then they ask for the expiration date and I provide that too.

“Thank you. I’m transferring you over to my supervisor now,” he says.

Another guy, more brusque and officious sounding comes on.

“We are upgrading the card security since you might have used the card at a mall or online,” he says. This makes no sense at all to me. Everybody uses cards online etc. Do they upgrade security each time.

“OK.” I say.

“Can you read me the number on the back of your card for verification purposes?” he asks.

I know that this is as far as I can go. I say, “No.”

He says, “Why not?”

“You might be a scammer. I get lots of fake calls”.

“Yes, there are fake calls, but this is real,” he counters. “I’ll send you an SMS from the government to prove it,” he continues.

I get an SMS from a government site asking me to verify a transaction for 1 AED. This is not a verification, just somebody trying to get me to pay them 1 AED. Again, not very bank-like.

I ask further questions, but the guy starts getting loud and obnoxious, repeating the same things he’d said before.

“Don’t yell at me!” I say. He gets quieter, but still demands information, saying that the bank has all my info and that they just need to verify it. I realize that this is not going any further and hang up.

They call again 6 - 7 times. I know a bank would never do that. They’d simply move on to the next customer, not that calling each customer individually to verify is what they’d do in a situation like this anyway …

So, the moral of the story, don’t give away any info at all. And provide fake info if you suspect it’s a fake/fraud call. If they don’t recognize that the info is fake, then they aren’t who they say they are …

#UAE #Scammers #FakeCalls #CreditCardPhishing #Fraudsters

Fahim Farook

He: “What's this second base and third base?”

She: “Ask one of your friends …”

He: “My father won’t know these things …”

“Satyaprem Ki Katha” (

#HindiMovieMoments #Bollywood #Hindi #WhatDoYouSay
@noracodes I do some writing about tech and a bit of Python stuff too (all about machine learning) and some other eclectic stuff on my blog. Haven’t updated in a while but probably will get around to it at some point?

reverse colexicographic Nora

Hi rectangle friends. I love RSS. I have lots of wonderful blogs in my RSS feedcatcher. But! I have audited my subscriptions and confirmed my feeling that a high percentage of the people whose blogs I regularly read are white. Since I mostly subscribe to new blogs via links from existing subscriptions, I think I'm stuck in a bit of a bubble, and I'd like some help discovering technical blogs and feeds run or authored by non-white people!

If you or someone you know a) is non-white b) has a blog about Rust, Python, web tech, Linux, systems programming, tech and society, or other, related topics that c) can be subscribed to via RSS, please reply and I will check it out and boost it!

Those are the only requirements. If you don't feel like you're an "expert", have only written one blog post, haven't posted in a year, etc please still let me know and I will check it out. Everyone's voice is valuable.

Thank you 💜 Boosts are appreciated!

@woltiv Yeah, it felt as if I could do anything back then while being on IRC — now, I hardly get any work done if somebody’s talking in the background 😛

Feist was one of my mainstays of reading for a long time since he’d churn out a book a year fairly regularly. Then he ended the Riftwar Cycle and that was that … I think I had most of his books in my collection but then we started traveling and had to leave all the books behind …

Regarding Mastodon, it was fairly straightforward for the two I tried. I first tried GoToSocial ( and it was extremely easy to set up and was very low on resources back then. It just used SQLite for the DB. But it was missing some of the features I wanted and so I switched to Akkoma ( which was slightly more complicated to run but was still easier than setting up Mastodon 😛

Akkoma has all the features I wanted but does require about 4GB of RAM, if I recall correctly. So if you want light on resources (and possibly running off of a Raspberry Pi) then GoToSocial might fit the bill better. Plus, I believe it’s more mature now and has more features…

Fahim Farook

I've been trying out ComfyUI and trying different image workflows, but haven’t been happy with the output till now … I finally have a workflow which produces images that I’m happy with 🙂

So here are my images for the day for the prompt: “rabbit astronauts on a arboreal world, colorful, highly detailed, cinematic, artstation”

Of course, dragging any of the images onto the ComfyUI interface should load the prompt and settings for you — provided the server is not stripping anything off of the images …

#StableDiffusion #GeneratedArt #ComfyUI

Free-floating Sadness?
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@AngelaPreston I’m sorry to hear about the sadness. Hope it passes soon.

We don’t go out at all but then again, we never did, I mean even before we were married I think my wife and I were individual loners. Now we are loners together 😛

So I think I kind of understand, but for me personally, going out mostly evokes anger/annoyance (and sometimes rage) than sadness. I don’t know if I’d prefer sadness over that, but again, I do hope it passes soon for you …
@woltiv Not sure if I’m recalling your name or Pug from the Midkemia series by Raymond E. Feist, but I do remember the name 🙂

It’s been a long time … Somebody else from those days found me on here a few weeks/months back as well and I was totally surprised.

Those were good times 🙂
@woltiv Yep, that’s me 🙂

If you were active in the LiteStep community, I might remember your name — did you go by a different name/handle back then?

Fahim Farook

Started watching “Chatrapathi” ( since I’d heard a few comments that the main actor did a great job in the movie …

But then one of the first scenes was somebody saying how much they loved someone and then a few scenes later believing a lie about the person they professed to love, without any proof, and without any investigation. How deep was their love/trust if they are so easily swayed?

That basically coloured my view of the movie from that point on … I haven’t gotten a lot further, but I can already tell that this is not a movie that’s going to be crafted in a way that I’ll actually like it 😛

#Movies #Hindi #Bollywood

Fahim Farook

Watched "Jailer" ( and while it has the usual Rajnikanth style, though at a slightly more muted level given his advancing age, it was overall not a movie that probably would not appeal to anybody other than die-hard Rajni fans since it really doesn’t make a lot of sense 😛

The first half of the movie might have kind of worked, given some suspension-of-disbelief, since it was a fairly straightforward story which (kind of worked). But the latter half had a heist segment which didn’t make a lot of sense nor was warranted since the application of a smidgen of logic at the end of the first half would have prevented that storyline altogether 🙂

Overall though, it was good to see Rajni in action (and Mohanlal too) and I think I’ll leave it at that …

#Movies #Tamil #Kollywood #Rajnikanth #Mohanlal

Fahim Farook

Oh, found one app which (possibly) does not work with the Sonoma betas — Defult Folder X.

The current version of Default Folder X does not work with Sonoma. It might be that this is simply a permissions issue and once you grant the necessary permissions (I believe Accessibility and Full Disk Access) it works correctly, but it used to work fine in Ventura but would not work on Sonoma.

However, there’s a new beta for Default Folder X which does work correctly with Sonoma. If interested, you can get it here:

#SonomaBeta #macOS #DefaultFolderX #NotWorking #SonomaUnsupported

Fahim Farook

I decided to upgrade (well, OK, switch) to Sonoma Beta 6 yesterday since I really wanted some of the CoreML enhancements for #MachineLearning (especially #StableDiffusion model loading) that Sonoma brings along …

The switchover itself was fairly uneventful and I like some of the changes and hate a few others 😛 Overall, it works (mostly) OK and I have not run into any issues with any of my existing apps.

But then today, I ran into not one but two issues with my custom apps 😀

One turned out to be something that I could fix quickly with a code change but I haven’t been able to figure out the other one still. And both of these apps were working fine with no crashes till now …

Ah, well, the joys of living on the crashing edge 😛

#SonomaBeta #Apple #macOS #Swift #Coding
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