I'm a bit of an eclectic mess πŸ™‚ I've been a programmer, journalist, editor, TV producer, and a few other things.

I'm currently working on my second novel which is complete, but is in the edit stage. I wrote my first novel over 20 years ago but then didn't write much till now.

I post about #Coding, #Flutter, #Writing, #Movies and #TV. I'll also talk about #Technology, #Gadgets, #MachineLearning, #DeepLearning and a few other things as the fancy strikes ...

Lived in: πŸ‡±πŸ‡°πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡³πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬πŸ‡²πŸ‡ΎπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΅πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡ΆπŸ‡¦πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

Fahim Farook

Read an Ebook Week promo! To help you find a book to celebrate, you can find my entire collection at 25% off at @Smashwords from March 2 - March 8. Find my books and many more at

#ebookweek25 #Smashwords
A promotional image for Smashwo…

Fahim Farook

Wrote a submission tracker yesteerday. (Well wrote two but that's a different story).

What struck me was that most submission trackers are paid services. Is anybody interested in a free one?

If you are, let me know and I'll throw this up on my server so others can use (for free).

#Writing #Apps
A screenshot of a web app which…

Fahim Farook

I seem to be out of my coding phase and into the drawing phase πŸ™‚

While it isn't that good, this is based on a dream about a space yatch and a space yak ... but the yak is yet to be drawn πŸ˜›

But I really want to draw more and so this is good?

Incidentally, I learnt English mostly by reading. So for a long time I pronounced "yatch" as it's written (like "latch") in my head.

So maybe that's why in my dream it was funny to have a yatch meet a yak. But now, awake, it doesn't make as much sense to me πŸ˜›

A drawing of a space yatch trav…

Fahim Farook

When I try to think of something to draw/paint, my mind goes totally blank πŸ˜›

So decided to take inspiration from something that Ira Marcks did in one of his videos and draw something similar. This is the result.

Guess I keep drawing till the wellsprings of the imagination open up?

A drawing of a yellow/orange sn…

Fahim Farook

The painting and the words came to me in a dream πŸ™‚ I think this is the beginning to a novel that's been in the back of my mind.


It was the night they came for us.

The flame hair trees wafted gently in the non-existent breeze, perfectly framing Mount Coinjar like a criminal mastermind in peak-Machiavelli mode. I could almost feel the bramble bugs, their tiny pinprick eyes peering out of their black blob bodies, waiting, waiting, waiting for an unwary target to come by.

#Writing #Dreams
A digital painting based on the…

Fahim Farook

Looking at the new Instagram ML-generated accounts, all of them follow 17-18 other accounts β€” 6 are Meta properties (FB, Insta etc.) and the others are the other ML generated accounts.

One of them, curiously, follows a human (or at least, an account which is not labeled a bot)

Of the remaining bots, 8 are more or less female (one is a fairy) and 4 are male (one is an alien and another a robot β€” a robot bot πŸ˜›).

Five of these could be black, and two might be Asian.

So that's the breakdown as it stands now.

I'm still confused as to what this is in aid of though ...

Screenshot showing all the acco…

Fahim Farook

Did a quick digital painting last night to serve as the icon for the reference image app that I'm building. Not happy with the image (and it needs work) but putting it up since this is the first digital art I've done in a while ...

Won't work as icon either πŸ˜›

#DigitalArt #Painting
A digital painting of a multi-c…

Fahim Farook

There are a lot of wonderful artists online and I'm inspired by just looking at their work. I also look at these images to learn from them.

I wanted an easier way to collect and look at the images I liked and so yesterday, I created a new app for that πŸ™‚

Now I'm inspired to start doing some art again!

#Coding #Flutter #Art
A screenshot of a macOS applica…

Fahim Farook

If anybody's looking for a post-holidy light read, I'd like to offer a light sci-fi novel for your consideration πŸ™‚

It's about a man on the run from his wife's wrath, a bunch of bounty hunter clones, and assorted other miscreants:

#Reading #Author #FediBooks #Bookstodon
A book cover with the title "Ho…

Fahim Farook

I'm thrilled to announce that the audiobook version of "Honest, the Martian Ate Your Dog" is now available on Audible πŸ™‚

If you want to listen to a sample, you can do so on the Audible site.

#Audibook #Writing #Bookstodon #Fedibooks #SciFi #Humour
Audiobook cover for "Honest, th…

Fahim Farook

I call this one "Not Just Another Brick in the Wall" ... Or maybe you'll call it a "square peg in a round hole" β€” even though there are no holes or pegs in view πŸ˜›

I was trying to get the idea of non-conformance to the status quo in while also getting some more practice on light and shading. Done using Adobe Fresco on an iPad.

#Painting #DigitalArt #DigitalPainting #AdobeFresco
A digital painting of a brick w…

Fahim Farook

This one feels sloppy to me πŸ™‚ There's so much more I can improve upon but after spending three days on this one, I felt that I needed a break. So moving on ...

What I wanted to do was try my hand at doing a landscape and I learnt a lot of things that I should improve upon and a few things that would be useful. But overall, I don't feel as if I did the idea justice.

#Painting #DigitalPainting #DigitalArt
A digital painting of a river w…

Fahim Farook

This one's called "Lonely Planet" πŸ™‚

Again, mostly playing with shapes, colours, lights, and perspective.

#Painting #DigitalArt #DigitalPainting
A green grassy field with rows …

Fahim Farook

I call this one "Mysterious Pyramid" πŸ™‚

My main aim was to explore shadow, lighting and colour, but I didn't want to just do plain geometric shapes. I wanted something a litlte more interesting.

Hence, the fog shrouded pyramid.

#Painting #DigitalArt #DigitalPainting
A digitial painting of a stone …

Fahim Farook

I finished my third painting over the weekened. I am much happier with this one since the columns in the painting turned out like I'd hoped they would.

There are a few things I probably still would want to improve upon but I guess that's the point right? To continually strive to improve upon what you do? πŸ™‚

I am happier at my ability to transfer images in my mind on to digital canvas and I think this is something that'll I stick with this time around.

#Painting #DigitalArt #DigitalPainting
A digital painting of four marb…

Fahim Farook

I finished my first digital painting a few days ago. It was a quick painting but even as I did it, I knew it had certain shortcomings πŸ™‚

I moved on to my second painting to try to improve upon these.

The first issue I noticed with my first painting was that it was flat β€” it had no depth. So, with the second one I tried to introduce that. I succeeded in some cases, but feel I failed in others πŸ˜›

The other things I wanted to do was give some texture to different elements and to add a sense of light and shadow. While I did a few things to add this, I feel I did very badly at those things.

I've been watching videos on how to draw and one thing which struck me was that a lot of the videos out there tell you how to do one thing β€” like draw an apple β€” but not why you do certain things a certain way.

Now this is by no means a slam on those people who put out "how-to" videos. Any information that anybody creates, especially the free resources, to help others learn how to do something, is a great service in my opinion. But I do wish that people added a bit more of the concepts to some of these videos 😊

What I'm saying is, if you simply show how to draw an apple, then at least some people (like me) only learn how to do that one thing. But if you tell them, "this is why you do such and such a thing", then I can formulate a process (or workflow) that I can use to draw other things.

Maybe this is self-evident to a lot of folks. I don't know. But I don't get some of this straight away πŸ™‚ For example, I do understand that you need a source of light and that an object needs to show the light and shadow in order for it to appear three-dimensional. But I don't always put it together with somebody saying "place a lighter colour splotch here and a darker shading here".

One of the best examples I saw explainig this was this free Udemy video course:

(I have no affiliation Hardy Fowler but that course was helpful in filling in some gaps and so I'm linking to it in case it helps somebody else on the same journey. Also, he has some interesting tutorials on YouTube.)

So I'm doing a lot more reading on the subject of light and shadow and how to add texture to shapes and am preparing to work on the next painting ...

#DigitalArt #Painting #DigitalOilPainting
A digitial painting showing som…

Fahim Farook

As a child I really wanted to be able to draw. I tried to teach myself drawing by tracing over artwork I liked, looking at stuff and drawing etc. but I was never very good at it.

As I grew older, I found others at school who could draw effortlessly. I joined up with them and wrote books where they did the artwork. But I still wanted to draw.

A while back on Mastodon I discovered @MichaelWhelan and his feed. I already knew Michael Whelan from his book covers but his feed made me realize the scope of how many of the book covers I remembered from over the years were by him.

The most memorable for me personally will always be "Destiny's Road". The book itself is very memorable for some reason β€” I remember how I felt when I read certain passages, how the sun felt on my skin that day, where I was and so on. But I picked up that book from a second-hand store over 30 years ago because of the cover and I still remember Michael's cover notes in the book describing the various elements like the fool cage.

So, seeing all the great covers that Michael has created over the years has made me want to try art in some form again. I know that I'm not very good at drawing/sketching, but I thought I might be better at painting perhaps?

So I gave it a try with digital painting and I discovered that I loved oil painting on the computer πŸ™‚For some reason, I really like how the oil paints "feel" on the screen and how it works when you mix paints.

I created my first painting yesterday. It's not very good and I hadn't actually looked at techniques or tutorials when I did it. But I think I'm going to give this a go and see if I can get better at it.

At worst, I'll have fun trying all this out. And that's not a bad thing, right?
A digital oil painting showing …
@davemark Here's what my menu looks like ...
An iOS screenshot showing the e…

Fahim Farook

I have to replace the cover of my science fiction novel, but I'm torn as to which one to go with. Can you help me figure out which one is the better cover?

Please let me know which one you like. And also, please share for reach πŸ™‚

#ScienceFiction #CoverSelection #IndieAuthor #HelpMeDecide #Bookstodon #FediBooks #Writing
A cover for a science fiction n…
A cover for a science fiction n…

Fahim Farook

I've been working on my Scrivener text analyzer over the weekend and while I initially thought that it might take about 3 - 4 days at least to see progress, I've been able to get to a fairly functional level in just two days πŸ™‚

At this point, I have a working app which can load a Scrivener document, extract just the manuscript text, parse it and provide information and identify components of text β€” like unique words, or repeated words and the word count.

If you select one of the words from the list, the viewer highlights every occurence of the word in the document. So I'm very pleased with where things are now πŸ™‚

All that remains is to do the following:
1. Add the ability to detect specific types of words like nouns, verbs, adjectives etc.
2. Add the ability to detect/hightlight specific words or phrases added by the user.

At that point, I believe it does everything that I want it to do. This should work on any platform but I have only tested under macOS. If anybody is interested in testing it out, let me know and I'll see about setting up a download.

#WritingTools #Coding #Scrivener #Flutter #macOS #SideProjects #Writing
A screenshot of a macOS app sho…
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