I'm a bit of an eclectic mess 🙂 I've been a programmer, journalist, editor, TV producer, and a few other things.

I'm currently working on my second novel which is complete, but is in the edit stage. I wrote my first novel over 20 years ago but then didn't write much till now.

I post about #Coding, #Flutter, #Writing, #Movies and #TV. I'll also talk about #Technology, #Gadgets, #MachineLearning, #DeepLearning and a few other things as the fancy strikes ...

Lived in: 🇱🇰🇸🇦🇺🇸🇳🇿🇸🇬🇲🇾🇦🇪🇫🇷🇪🇸🇵🇹🇶🇦🇨🇦

Fahim Farook

StabilityAI has released DeepFloyd IF … there goes the next few weeks probably 😛

#MachineLearning #DeepLearning #ImageGeneration

Laurie Ashton Farook

Edited 1 year ago
Black Hole

2023 04 02 day 283 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off). I’m doing a one art-thing every day challenge to take me from wannabe artist to something around beginner artist. I’m very much still learning and am self-taught. This series chronicles this journey.

I saw an image of a black hole on the Curiosmos site, linked below, and thought I’d do my own take. Here it is!

For more info, including seeing the time lapse, follow this link:

#ArtMatters #AYearForArt #Procreate #DigitalArt #WomensArt #ArtistsOnMastodon
An imagined vision of a black h…

We went to San Francisco Botanical Gardens yesterday, and I took photos of three new birds. These jays were my favorite.


Laurie Ashton Farook

Alien Landscape

2023 03 31 day 281 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off).

To clarify for those who weren’t with me at the beginning in May 2022, I decided to do a one year challenge to do some kind of art every day for a year so I could, hopefully, learn to do art. In the beginning, my art, or more accurately, “art”, wasn’t very good. I had not done much since finger painting in grade two or three. I considered myself a wannabe artist. But I figured that, if I worked at art seriously for a year, I could improve. I aspire to competence. So what you see here is very much that of a beginner artist learning to art.

On to the now. I seem to be developing a habit of painting otherworldly scenes. I must continue that with zero restraint.

For more info, including seeing the time lapse, follow this link:

#ArtMatters #AYearForArt #Procreate #DigitalArt #WomensArt #ArtistsOnMastodon
A digital painting of an alien …

Suppose I should provide a brief

- Background in
- Use and to solve challenging problems in
- Live in
- Organizer of our local meetup group -- see @madpy
- Perennially hopeful fan
- Devoted drinker
- Proud papa of two


Fahim Farook

For all their talk about #MachineLearning support on their latest Apple Silicon devices, you just can’t do any of the newer generative stuff on Macs easily, or fully.

So what’s the point of Apple touting their machine learning prowess except to be misleading?

Any time I try to do anything even slightly complicated/off the beaten track, I run into issues on the Mac side 😕 Even a few years after the introduction of Apple Silicon, it just feels as if Apple is just not ready for all the new stuff …

Makes you almost want to go back to using a PC full time … almost 😛

#MachineLearning #DeepLearning #AppleSilicon #Hardware

Friday Flyday! Here’s a portrait of a hanging-thief fly, Diogmites sp., photographed in Saint Louis.

Edited 1 year ago

I normally post these on Twitter, but it just occurred to me I could try doing so here: MIT Technology Review has an open call for pitches, for our upcoming issue on ⚖️ethics⚖️. We're looking for *big* swings: features, investigations, profiles, and sharp essays at the intersection of and . Rates: $1-2/word.

Pitch deadline is tomorrow: April 20. Short notice, I know! If you have an idea, but need a day or two to write up a pitch, send me an e-mail (see


Take a moment to enjoy this unusually twisted and very big London Plane in


Fahim Farook

Apparently Melon Husk wants to start “TruthGPT” to rival OpenAI and Google. If this is going to be anything like his “free speech” efforts on Twitter, you know that “truth” is the furthest thing you’ll get from “TruthGPT” 😛

Also didn’t Melon-boy sign a letter asking for a pause on development of systems more powerful than GPT-4 for at least 6 months? So why is *he* going ahead with development of new systems? Doesn’t the pause apply to him?

Or was the pause only so that he (and others) can catch up? 😛

The way these people do u-turns is likely to give whiplash to people if anybody actually paid attention 😀

#MachineLearning #DeepLearning #GPT

If you’re a student in Australia & the Pacific researching technologies in critical ways, submit an EOI to attend the workshop! Come help build a network and map our work.

Travel funding is available thanks to
@sydneylawschool, @westsyduics, and additional support from @anucybernetics.

The workshop will also be a satellite event of the
@AdmsCentre 2023 Symposium.

EOI deadline extended to 21 April!


Fahim Farook

I often warn people of the dangers of using LLMs as search engines and how you need to verify any fact provided by these engines yourself.

But on the flipside, what I’ve found Bing Chat ( useful for recently has been to find out who plays a particular role in a TV show/movie 🙂

This is a game that my wife and I play — when we recognize somebody in a show, we either say “Oh, it’s so and so from this other show” or we just say “Oh, we know this person” and then try to figure out who it is.

Our old workflow used to be that we wait for the person’s name to be mentioned, go to IMDB, find the show, find the episode, and then search the cast for the person’s name. Or, go through the actor images till we (possibly) find the right person.

But with Bing Chat, all you have to do is simply say “Who plays <name> in <show>” and it generally find the info 🙂

In fact, recently I asked for a person by their shortened character name (since I couldn’t find them in the roles listing because they had been listed with the full character name) and Bing still found them.

So colour me (slightly) impressed 😛

#MachineLearning #SearchEngines #ChatGPT #BingChat

I’m home from my Channel Islands trip. Here’s a Santa Cruz Island fox.


I guess it’s time to start giving this more of a try. Twitter feels lonely now. I’m not great at , but I read this is proper etiquette here. I’m a librarian. I like


Now I’m no but when there are reports of a just down the road I’ve got to try my luck.
What a bird..! 😲😎👍✅
These guys usually hang out in southern and occasionally appear in the south of causing a good deal of excitement.
But this one is in , , 😳


Hennig Brand, who discovered phosphorus in 1669, found it while boiling down gallons of urine to try and make gold.


Fahim Farook

When movies get really stupid …

I’m watching this Tamil movie at the moment where this guy moves into a new house, doesn’t lock his room, has his housemate enter his room in the middle of the night, take car keys from his bedside to go to another house which has all its doors open in the middle of the night, enters the house and kills a woman and so on …

Do people really exist who have no suspicions at all of strangers and will leave their room door open if they share a house with somebody and they’ve just met the guy? I find it really hard to believe …

The movie goes on to have even more unbelievable stuff happen in quick succession and I’ll probably just watch it anyway to see where all the insanity leads but I find this one really hard to believe already 😛

#Movies #Plot #SuspensionOfDisbelief

I am James Davis Nicoll, reviewer, essayist, and part time cautionary tale. In addition to my own site and tor dot com, my work has appeared at Publishers Weekly, Romantic Times, and Interzone. Between 2001 and 2014, I was a first reader for the Science Fiction Book Club.

Links and more details in comments. This sort of issue is why my blog is called More Words, Deeper Hole.

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