
Fahim Farook

I often warn people of the dangers of using LLMs as search engines and how you need to verify any fact provided by these engines yourself.

But on the flipside, what I’ve found Bing Chat ( useful for recently has been to find out who plays a particular role in a TV show/movie 🙂

This is a game that my wife and I play — when we recognize somebody in a show, we either say “Oh, it’s so and so from this other show” or we just say “Oh, we know this person” and then try to figure out who it is.

Our old workflow used to be that we wait for the person’s name to be mentioned, go to IMDB, find the show, find the episode, and then search the cast for the person’s name. Or, go through the actor images till we (possibly) find the right person.

But with Bing Chat, all you have to do is simply say “Who plays <name> in <show>” and it generally find the info 🙂

In fact, recently I asked for a person by their shortened character name (since I couldn’t find them in the roles listing because they had been listed with the full character name) and Bing still found them.

So colour me (slightly) impressed 😛

#MachineLearning #SearchEngines #ChatGPT #BingChat