I'm a bit of an eclectic mess 🙂 I've been a programmer, journalist, editor, TV producer, and a few other things.

I'm currently working on my second novel which is complete, but is in the edit stage. I wrote my first novel over 20 years ago but then didn't write much till now.

I post about #Coding, #Flutter, #Writing, #Movies and #TV. I'll also talk about #Technology, #Gadgets, #MachineLearning, #DeepLearning and a few other things as the fancy strikes ...

Lived in: 🇱🇰🇸🇦🇺🇸🇳🇿🇸🇬🇲🇾🇦🇪🇫🇷🇪🇸🇵🇹🇶🇦🇨🇦

Fahim Farook

I like Santosh Shoban ( — each of his movies that I've seen so far has had something different/unique about them.

It looks as if "Prem Kumar" ( is in the same mold in that it doesn't follow the typical Telugu movie storyline.

So far, I’m hooked and I’m curious to see where it goes ...

#Movies #Telugu #PremKumar #SantoshShoban #SomethingDifferent

Fahim Farook

After looking at AnyType and several other solutions, I decided that none of them have the flexibility that I want for adding data from various sources and being able to define any type of data storage.

So, working on my own solution …

Decided to use the latest in Swift and SwiftUI, and also throw SwiftData in to the mix since this’ll probably be a personal app and not for public release — there are many such solutions out there, but they just don’t have what I want 🙂

Some interesting things to solve to accomplish this — How do you define a data structure which is not predefined in a way that can be used via code? How do you generate a SwiftUI interface dynamically to represent these data structures?

I believe I’ve solved them but the app is very rudimentary at the moment. I’m curious as to things hold when I add in more complexity …

#Swift #SwiftUI #SwiftData #Apple #macOS #iOS #PersonalDataManager

Fahim Farook

Being multi-lingual sometimes leads to weird situations 😛

In Tamil movies they sometimes pronounce "graphics" in a way that sounds like "gira-piss" and in Sinhalese, "gira" is "parrot" (or rather, parrot-related) and "piss" would of course be English — so parrot pee?

Do parrots even pee? 😀

#Tamil #Sinhalese #Language #Funny #MultiLingualWeirdness
@BobWilliams The first few seasons were utterly brilliant but the last few have gone downhill a lot in terms of quality ….

Still, personally, I feel it’s more entertaining than a lot of stuff out there, but that might be just me. And now that it’s (supposedly) ending, all I can hope for is that they at least give it a good ending, but that might be too much to ask for? 🙂

Fahim Farook

"Billiions" ( has always been a favourite of mine, but this season has felt very weak.

The dialog is overly talky without getting to the point, and hasn't had as much punch.

Now that the final setup, which I assume was what they were aiming for but were getting lost in the weeds getting to, maybe it'll get better?

#TV #English #Billions
@gaveen Sorry to hear about the health issues — sometimes, it feels as if you are a besieged castle and when the walls are weakened, all the barbarian hordes come in at once …

Sorry to hear about the office politics too. I’ve never liked that since I don’t know how to deal with that kind of thing. I want things to be cut-and-dried and unfortunately, people are anything but 😞

But I’m glad you are in good spirits and hope all of this passes soon.
@AngelaPreston It was definitely useful — sometimes I (and probably others) miss the obvious since it’s been staring us in the face for years 😛

Fahim Farook

While it is a battle between two behemoths, I can't help but feel like supporting Quest 3 just because of the language used by a lot of reviewers.

Like saying, "there’s almost nothing compelling to do in mixed reality on the Quest 3". And you know that Apple Vision Pro does have compelling experiences? How do you know this?

It's not as if any of these people have used the AVP for longer than half an hour .... So how do you know that AVP will have compelling experiences whenever it launches? Faith in Apple?

Also, will these reviewers actually buy an AVP at 7x times the price of a Quest 3 for themselves? Or is this just hatchet jobs for a paycheck?

I don’t know … but excessive praise for an as yet unreleased product, or damning something that exists for pie in the sky, always makes me uneasy …

#Quest3 #AppleVisionPro #Meta #Apple
@AngelaPreston This actually helped me too 🙂

I don’t like dark mode. I have dark mode on my phone because it possibly helps with battery life, but I rarely use my phone.

I have everything on light mode on my desktop and yet, for some reason I never switched Discord to light mode. And I don’t really like reading Discord 😛

When I read your post, I started Discord, changed to light mode and the reading experience was much better. Thank you!
@samreciter It is a bit gory and there’s generally a lot of blood splatter in every episode, but other than that, the writing is interesting and I like takes on super-heroes like in “The Boys” and “Invincible” way more than I do the Marvel or DC interpretation — I feel it’s more true-to-life 🙂

Fahim Farook

It almost feels as if every episode of "Gen V" has a theme and you have to discover it 😛

For episode 3 it's — parents (or better yet, family). How parents affect you as a child and the sometimes love-hate relationship you have with them. It's also a tiny bit about trust maybe?

Alliances are made, people begin to trust each other and I'm kind of curious as to how the show will evolve and if the writers will stick to this level of writing …

#TV #English #GenV #Writing

Fahim Farook

"Gen V" ( episode 2 is a lesson on trust that really drives home the point in multiple ways.

You know the characters shouldn't trust certain people, but they themselves don't know due to how their character works.

It's interesting in how people work and yet, has me screaming at the TV for them to not fall for it 😛

I’m still enjoying the core story and I do like these little touches of psychology and the inner workings of people ...

#TV #English #GenV #Writing

Fahim Farook

From AnyType ( and it's inability to import data in a way that is easy, I went on a whirlwind tour of similar applications — some open source, and some only freemium.

I tried NoCoDB ( to BaseRow to SmartSuite to Fibery to Mathesar to Budibase — there are a lot of interesting solutions.

Way too many to list in about 500 characters for sure 😛

Sometimes I wish I still blogged so that I could do detailed write ups about all these but that’d probably be too arduous a task given how many of these solutions are out there!

#DataManagement #PersonalDatabase #KnowledgeManagement #Tools

Fahim Farook

Edited 1 year ago
Just when I think people can't get any sillier, they do 😛

From, "you believe in what I don't believe in" to "you use a different phone" to, it's now "you don't use an OSF/FSF (or whatever TLA you prefer) license for your open source project" 😀

Live and let live people! Don't get so dogmatic!

As long as they aren't hurting themselves or others, why does it matter to you how somebody else chooses to live their life or what they believe in?

Why must everybody conform to your worldview?

#Questions #Beliefs #Dogma #Reflections
@Rycaut As I started reading your reply and got to “wiki”, I was thinking TiddlyWiki since I’ve used it in the past … and then you mentioned it 😛

I’ll have to go see how it looks/functions now since I haven’t used it in at least 10 years perhaps? It was really easy to use back in the day …

But I think my issue with a wiki is always that I see it as browser-based and somewhat heavy … I want a “light” app that I can bring up as needed and dismiss when I don’t want it. But I think that’s a peculiarity on my part …

I do want to go take a look at TiddlyWiki now that you’ve reminded me, thanks!

I’m currently getting ready to install NocoDB on my NAS since it’s open source and works like AirTable, which I’ve also found in the past to be very easy to use for almost any type of data … What always put me off was the data limits on the free plan, even if I never hit the limits 😛
@Rycaut I haven’t gone through each of the items in the following list in detail yet, but there might be something there that might work for you 🙂

My first instinct always is to go for a solution that I can extend/code for, and so I’ll need to do some checking on each … If I find one that I really like, will let you know …
@Rycaut Will do 🙂

Ideally, what I’d like to have is a free-form database along the lines of FileMaker, Bento, or Records where I can define the schema for each table, set up relations and so on so that I can go to town in precisely defining how each type of information is stored …

But it seems like a really long-term project and I’m not sure that it’s feasible …

AnyType actually works really well, is free, and is open source. Only trouble is that it’s heavily (but slowly) under development and so far doesn’t have an API and so isn’t easily extensible …

I did manage to write an importer for movies for it yesterday but it involves creating a single JSON file for each movie and then importing each JSON file in manually (and individually). So a bit cumbersome …

A custom solution would be the fasters, but then I’d have to create separate apps for each type of data, or it would only cater to the types of data I want and so might not work for others …

Fahim Farook

Edited 1 year ago
"The Boys" is violent, rapey, murdery etc. But I think it's closer to how humans would behave if they had super-powers than what Marvel or DC thinks ...

So, I was ambivalent about "Gen V" ( since "The Boys" is a bit over the top for me. But the first episode of "Gen V" was interesting and has enough in it to keep me hooked. Will watch more to see if the potential pans out or if this is going to just go with over-the-top violence …

#TV #English #TheBoys #GenV #Comics

Fahim Farook

Edited 1 year ago
AnyType allows me to keep a list of movies I want to watch and create various views based on different criteria such as movie language ... but it's hard to automate adding data to AnyType. Easiest way is to type it all in manually.

My own app lets me do things as I wish and I can automate movie information retrieval easily from say IMDB, but it is task-specific and I can't easily store (or rather, store in an organised fashion) movie information side-by-side with say, book info, or a comic book collection.

Can I find a middle ground?

#PersonalDataManager #AnyType #Swift #SwiftUI #Automation


Fahim Farook

I started using AnyType ( to maintain my movie/TV watchlist, tasks, notes and a few other things ...

So of course, I start working on a #Swift app which will allow me to add movies to AnyType easily by doing a simple IMDB search 😛

Only about a day of work so far, but the search works. The transferring data easily to AnyType part is a bit more involved but there’s some light at the end of the tunnel.

#Swift #SwiftUI #macOS #AnyType #DataManagement
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