Canadian who wanders. Redhead by choice. Former accountant. Kitchen witch. Hobbyist photographer. Wannabe artist. Love sci-fi/fantasy. Disabled, chronically ill, neurodivergent. Anti-bigotry. She/her. 🇨🇦 🇱🇰 🇳🇿 🇸🇬 🇲🇾 🇫🇷 🇦🇪 🇪🇸 🇵🇹 🇶🇦

#DigitalArt #Procreate #ProcreateArt #Art #Photography #Cooking #DisabledCooking #Baking #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #LanguageLearning #Travel #Expat #Disabled #ChronicallyIll

Laurie Ashton Farook

@f Fahim is creating a writing submission tracker. He's had various iterations of them before, but this latest one will be web based.

He's planning on making it free, at least until/unless it gets so much traffic that he needs to upgrade servers.

Here are some screenshots so you can see what it looks like. It's not done yet - he still has a few major features to add, like users/logins. But it's getting there.

If you're interested in using it when it's ready, please let Fahim or I know.
Text in a grid layout showing p…
Webpage showing a list of pendi…
Web page showing a couple ox sh…
Web page showing a list of shor…

Laurie Ashton Farook

I've been in a wheelchair for a month and a half, unable to walk at all for a few weeks before that. Our apartment is not built for wheelchairs and some rooms I could not enter at all because my wheelchair is wider than the doorway. And tight spaces.

A couple of weeks ago, I got a walker siince my right knee had improved enough I could put *some* weight on it (my left knee was never as bad). This made getting around in the bathroom much easier, but still, nothing above a few steps.

My right knee has been improving, but slowly. Very very slowly.

Today, I took my walker from bed to bathroom and back. Yay! It went well enough that...

I went inside the kitchen for the first time in two months today. I took my walker from the bed to the kitchen and back. It actually went well!

Now I have to be careful to not get too excited and overdo things.

#DisabledLife #Progress #YayMe

Laurie Ashton Farook

I did a thing. It involved my hand, a wall, and my wheelchair. And this does not adequately represent how colourful my hand is.

#WheelchairLife #Ouchies #ItsAllFineNow

Laurie Ashton Farook

Our annual Proof Of Life photo, aka 20 years and no one's dead yet!

Happy anniversary to us!


Laurie Ashton Farook

Edited 1 year ago
The chicken is finally done. ✅
We finally got to eat. ✅
Only an hour and a half late. 😬
But we are fed. ✅

#RoastChicken #cooking #NoMoreGnawingOnTheArm

Laurie Ashton Farook

I put the rice on and it's done. ✅
Peeled and sliced the cooked beets. ✅
Assembled the beet salad. ✅
Time for lunch. ✅
Reach for the leftover roast chicken ✅ Wait. ❌ Leftovers are done. No more leftovers. We ate that yesterday. I was supposed to roast chicken today. ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌
Put chicken in oven to roast only 1.5 hours late. ✅
Snack on something so I don't gnaw on my arm out of starvation. ✅
Patiently wait for chicken to finish roasting. ❌

#cooking #BrainFail #WhatTheHeckWasIThinking #RoastChicken

Laurie Ashton Farook

Another plug for #TENSMachines aka my #ElectrocutionMachine. They provide controlled electrocution to wherever you place the pads, and that interrupts pain signals, amongst other things.

If you have #ChronicPain, you might want to read up on these devices to see if they might work for you.

This one had two channels, so I can run two sets of wires. One of my wires had two pairs of connectors while the other one only has one, so I can treat a total of three areas. If I had another double connector, I could do four.

I currently have them attached to both knees plus my right shoulder/clavicle.

Painkillers tend to not work for me, so this is just brilliant. I mean, no pain would be better, but since I can't have that, I'll take this.

Laurie Ashton Farook

Pickled Ginger!

I have so missed having picked ginger. I should not have waited this long to make it.

No, it's not pink. I didn't have young ginger. Yes, we prefer my homemade pickled ginger. It tastes better.

#food #cooking #pickling #ginger #gari
Slices of ginger sitting in a j…

Laurie Ashton Farook

The things that excite me.

In other news, anyone have recipes or dishes other than sushi that use wasabi or seaweed sheets?

#food #cooking #wasabi #nori
A photo of a package of seaweed…

Laurie Ashton Farook

Black Cat

2023 04 12-13 day 293-294 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off). I’m doing something art related every day for a year in an effort to develop art skills. I’m very much a beginner.

I did this painting using four brushes:

Calligraphy/Monoline (for sketching)
Ittai Manero’s Crazy Nebula brush (for the nebula in the sky and reflection)
Ittai Manero’s Randomized Dots 01 (for the stars)
Ittai Manero’s Super Wet Flat Brush (for everything else)

The monoline brush is a standard Procreate brush. The Ittai Manero brushes were free as part of his freebie packs.

I have projects where I’ve used 15 or 20 brushes, maybe more, and I’ve done projects where I’ve used only 2 or 3. It’s interesting limiting myself to only a few brushes. I don’t think it makes art necessarily better, but I learn from it nonetheless.

#ArtMatters #Procreate #DigitalArt
#DigitalPainting #WomensArt
A black cat looks out a window …

Laurie Ashton Farook

Sleeping Cat

2023 04 11 day 292 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off). I do some kind of art every day as an effort towards developing some art skills. I’m still very much a beginner.

#ArtMatters #Procreate #DigitalArt
#DigitalPainting #WomensArt
A watercolour painting of a bla…

Laurie Ashton Farook


2023 04 09-10 day 290-291 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off).

This is me playing around with watercolour-esque painting. And having fun. 🙂

#ArtMatters #Procreate #DigitalArt
#DigitalPainting #WomensArt
Watercolour painting of a touca…

Laurie Ashton Farook

Moonlit Tree

2023 04 08 day 289 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off).

If you’re new to following me, this is me learning how to be an artist. I started nearly a year ago with close to no art skills and decided to trust the process – do something art related every day in the hopes that I can develop some art skills.

#Procreate #DigitalArt #DigitalPainting #WomensArt
Night. A lone tree with dark pu…

Laurie Ashton Farook


2023 04 07 day 288 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off).

I created this, using standard Procreate brushes:

Luminence – Lightpen
Luminence – Bokeh Lights

I used assisted drawing in vertical mode for the symmetry.

#ArtMatters #Procreate #DigitalArt #DigitalPainting #WomensArt
A butterfly painted to look lik…

Laurie Ashton Farook

Edited 1 year ago
Moonlit Blossoms

2023 04 06 day 287 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off).

I started with painting a bird, but it wasn’t going well. I then realized I had a massive headache happening (yes, it’s true – I don’t always realize these things immediately), and those tend to impair my ability to think clearly when they’re that bad, so I dropped the bird and did a tutorial instead. I’ll do the bird another day.

I ended up doing a Joel Create tutorial. Follow the link below.

#Procreate #DigitalPainting #DigitalArt #ArtistsOnMastodon
A digital painting of a pink-bl…

Laurie Ashton Farook

Edited 1 year ago
2023 04 05 day 286 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off).

I don’t understand abstract paintings. I fully admit this. And yet, today, I did an abstract painting in my attempt to understand them better. I would like to improve, but I think this will require a more immersive approach.

I followed the tutorial by Flow Works in the link below, as much as one can follow an abstract painting tutorial and still making one’s own original. I used my own colour set and brushes.

#Procreate #DigitalPainting #DigitalArtt #ArtistsOnMastodon
Abstract painting in pinks and …

Laurie Ashton Farook

Edited 1 year ago
Spring Forest

2023 04 04 day 285 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off).

I did this following a tutorial by James Julier. Link is in the link below.

#procreate #DigitalArt #DigitalPainting #ArtistsOnMastodon
Digital painting of purple flow…

Laurie Ashton Farook


2023 04 03 day 284 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off).

And yes, I’m severely behind posting. Oy. The life of the chronically ill.

This is a tutorial by Tatyworks. Link is in the link below. I went rogue, of course. 😀

It’s done using gouache brushes in Procreate. And this is where I mention in passing that I have no idea how gouache is pronounced. I heard another artist pronounce it in his youtube tutorial the other day, and it sounded entirely wrong, so I have no idea if he’s pronouncing it incorrectly, or I am, or we both are. Alas.

I really like how this turned out, by the way. I’m really happy with it.

#procreate #digitalart #digitalpainting #artistsonmastodon
Three lemons handing from a bra…

Laurie Ashton Farook

Edited 1 year ago
Black Hole

2023 04 02 day 283 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off). I’m doing a one art-thing every day challenge to take me from wannabe artist to something around beginner artist. I’m very much still learning and am self-taught. This series chronicles this journey.

I saw an image of a black hole on the Curiosmos site, linked below, and thought I’d do my own take. Here it is!

For more info, including seeing the time lapse, follow this link:

#ArtMatters #AYearForArt #Procreate #DigitalArt #WomensArt #ArtistsOnMastodon
An imagined vision of a black h…

Laurie Ashton Farook

Alien Landscape

2023 03 31 day 281 of doing art every day for a year (mostly – I took sick days off).

To clarify for those who weren’t with me at the beginning in May 2022, I decided to do a one year challenge to do some kind of art every day for a year so I could, hopefully, learn to do art. In the beginning, my art, or more accurately, “art”, wasn’t very good. I had not done much since finger painting in grade two or three. I considered myself a wannabe artist. But I figured that, if I worked at art seriously for a year, I could improve. I aspire to competence. So what you see here is very much that of a beginner artist learning to art.

On to the now. I seem to be developing a habit of painting otherworldly scenes. I must continue that with zero restraint.

For more info, including seeing the time lapse, follow this link:

#ArtMatters #AYearForArt #Procreate #DigitalArt #WomensArt #ArtistsOnMastodon
A digital painting of an alien …
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