
Laurie Ashton Farook

Another plug for #TENSMachines aka my #ElectrocutionMachine. They provide controlled electrocution to wherever you place the pads, and that interrupts pain signals, amongst other things.

If you have #ChronicPain, you might want to read up on these devices to see if they might work for you.

This one had two channels, so I can run two sets of wires. One of my wires had two pairs of connectors while the other one only has one, so I can treat a total of three areas. If I had another double connector, I could do four.

I currently have them attached to both knees plus my right shoulder/clavicle.

Painkillers tend to not work for me, so this is just brilliant. I mean, no pain would be better, but since I can't have that, I'll take this.