Strange correlation, so I'm wondering if anybody else has seen this, or if I'm just getting boring?
It seemed like I had more interaction when the number of people I followed, and that follow me, were lower.
Makes me think about whether there's a sweet spot. I'm finding it harder to keep track of people I usually interact with too.
@BobWilliams I am glad you wrote about this because I feel similarly. I think for me, I've overextended myself and now I cannot keep up. There are too many people that I want to read and I haven't got enough time to do that.
I try to catch up later, but I can't see everything. I don't know if it's the server I'm on, or the settings I've chosen, or if this is just how Mastodon is, but I get far enough behind that I scroll down as far as I can and no more posts will load even though I'm not caught up in my reading.
Lists seem to scroll farther for me than the Home timeline, so I'm making an effort to add folks to lists. That way I can go back and see what I've missed.
Also, I have lately been using my lunch break to connect in person with folks I haven't spent a lot of time with lately, which means I'm not using that time as much for Mastodon (which is different than what I used to do, which was spend most of lunch catching up on Mastodon).
So I'm on here a little less just due to real-life stuff. I don't know if there is some kind of overall wave you could graph where a significant portion of Mastodon folks are going through something similar.
Also, I saw something recently that the graph that tracks new users and hourly posts dropped off significantly - I don't know if that means an instance went dark for a length of time or what happened, but it might have impacted folks you talk to here.
@BobWilliams i keep mini lists of groups that i check in with to hopefully make sure i don't lose track.
@BobWilliams for eom the bird place I found a sweet spot around 500. I *think* the sweet spot might be lower here given the overall engagement is more genuine.
@BobWilliams I've begun to encounter the same. I think everyone has me on mute lol
@BobWilliams I noticed that on Twitter and here. It (unfortunately) makes sense that as each of us grow our networks, our engagement with "our first ones" falls off. We all expand past our capacity to keep up. Algorithm or no algorithm.
@BostonBibliophile I do too, and I think if I hadn't I really would have lost track. We are replacing what algorithms used to do with out own efforts I suppose.
@jaykass I think you're right. Not sure what to do it about though. I always follow back anyone that follows me.
@JonChevreau That's true, I rarely do. Are you finding the same thing for yourself?
My timeline is flowing pretty fast, making it difficult to keep up. I have a lot of active people.
@LibertyForward1 Lol. I wondered that same, maybe I was posting too much?
@Catelli That makes good sense. Here we really have to make it work for ourselves in unique ways.
@BobWilliams it's the trade off for not being on the birdsite.
@LikeItOrLumpIt I do, and it's a help for sure. Still feels like some things are falling between the cracks though.
@jaykass Also, are you impressed that I didn't say "You sure about that's why?".
The more people I follow, more posts get skipped when I have to by-pass the 200 posts that arrived while I was having lunch.
That's something I've noticed but haven't felt the urge to cull the lists back down since the serendipity factor matters a lot to me.
I *do* follow a lot of hashtags, too, so I'm always finding more new people to follow.
@BobWilliams not really noticed that hash tags make a huge difference
@chameleon_muse That's a good way to say it, because it feels quick now. It was a nice lazy amble at the beginning.
@BobWilliams Hopefully, the people who interact with you on a regular basis are the understanding type, if you miss something. 🙂 Either way, the masto interaction is way better than I had on the bad bird site.
@BobWilliams Perhaps.. but I think I've got you beat hands-down on quantity. I was flat-out blocked by someone today because I boosted too many times and am just "looking for followers". 🤷
@BostonBibliophile When I think about it that way, totally worth it.
@BobWilliams I've been waiting a long time for a hit on Mastodon!
@nlowell @JonChevreau Appreciate these insights, Nathan. Possible I'm missing the initial bliss of finding a a healthy landing space.
@nlowell @BobWilliams think it’s the law of diminishing returns
@LikeItOrLumpIt I think they are, it's a kind bunch here. Totally agree, it's a lot more fun and pleasant.
@BobWilliams realizing I just mixed up corncob tv and the hot dog vacuum skits.
@BobWilliams On the other hand, when I posted about the incident I received a surprising amount of support so maybe we're not on mute, maybe people are just busy 😜
@jaykass I mix the skits together all the time, it's great fun. :)
@LibertyForward1 I do think the whole things is just bigger and busier now, part of the deal I guess.
@nlowell @JonChevreau As long as it develops into a healthy relationship, it'll be okay. : )
@nlowell @BobWilliams maybe we’re beyond the first date & thinking of going steady
@f I appreciate these thoughts, seems it will take continued experimentation, so knowing what you are trying is very helpful.
@f very interesting. I have pondered trying to tinker with an instance and make modifications, but it’s originally out of my depth.
@f Are you doing these changes through browser plugins, or modifying instance code?
@f Cool! I’ve been browser only to keep myself curbed on the phone, so I haven’t explored any clients yet.
@f I wish I had your skills, but I will hackily attempt to tinker at some point. I followed you so I can keep up if you post any experiments. Fun stuff to ponder.
@f very kind of you, MacOS is over my head, but when JavaScript is in play, keep me in mind. Thanks.🙂
@f Nice, thanks very much! Not urgent at all, just whenever you get the time, it'll be fun to look at. : )
@f This is great, please don't spend too much time on it. I will poke around when I can and let you know how I do. It may be over my head, we'll see. Thanks!