
Fahim Farook

Ok, where to begin? 😛

Been head down writing for a couple of weeks now, but of course, once I start writing, that’s when I also want to code 😀 So I finish one story arc in my WIP and switch to coding on yet another Fedi client because I was getting tired of my current Swift-based Fedi client starting to slow down after a month or two …

Then, on top of that, I decided to try and actually do some promotion of my first novel. I’ve never been very good at self-promotion — it just feels a little too pushy to me.

I’m trying to be better but still can’t get rid of the nagging feeling that I’m pushing too much.

And then I went and did something today which might be a big boo-boo 😀

I have had this Facebook page for Jim Butcher that I created a very long time ago — probably 10 years or more? I started it when I first started reading Butcher and really liked it but there was no Jim Butcher presence on FB. So I created a page and I made it clear that JB was not involved.

Years passed. FB changed how pages worked and the page moved to the new system. I don’t think I really paid attention since I’d moved on to new stuff …

When I was promoting my book on FB the last few days, I thought, “Hey why not share to the Jim Butcher page too? Somebody there might like my book …” So I did.

But what I didn’t realize was that when I shared to the JB page, it didn’t share as me but as Jim Butcher. Ooops ….

I only realized today when I switched over to that page to see if there were any reaction to my posts. People were starting to freak out wondering why JB would post about somebody else’s book and if the site had been taken over and so on …

I don’t really like to deceive people and this felt bad to me. I did as much as I could to allay fears and to update the page again to indicate that JB wasn’t involved and to correct my mistake.

But I’m really not sure if that was enough. But I can’t think of what else I could do. If I took down any of the original posts, then that might be seen as an attempt to cover up or something. Who really knows? I certainly don’t 🙂

#Life #Facebook #Writing #Coding #Promotions #Mishaps #Misadventures


It was an honest mistake, which you explained. Some people are going to be unhappy no matter what you do.

@crcollins Thank you 🙂 And you are right, I guess we can never please everybody …