
Fahim Farook

The wife and I played "No Man's Sky" yesterday. It was fun to use the second-controller/co-pilot feature on PS5 and be able to play together even though it was a single-player game. We enjoyed the game a lot more now that both of us could play at the same time โ€” it felt way more engaging ๐Ÿ™‚

I realized that I'd last played the game over two years ago but my base was still there. We were able to explore further and start doing a lot more now that both of us are playing. Not because we were exploriing separately โ€” it's a single-player game after all โ€” but because we felt like playing more.

We even got to the first space station, spoke with some aliens, and figured out where the next bit of the game leads us.

I was tempted to start a new game to see if their introductory mission(s) had changed since the last time I played, but really couldn't bring myself to go through the introduction all over again. So we opted to just play on with the current mission.

Looking forward to doing some more gaming today and exploring further ๐Ÿ™‚

#Gaming #PS5 #NoMansSky #CoOpPlay

@f you got the Planets I update?

@gaveen Honestly, I don't have an idea as to what the update is without looking it up, especially since they have a part number and a version number ๐Ÿ˜›Apparently, it's Worlds Part 1: Update 5.0 but that's all I know since I came back to the game after 2 years ๐Ÿ™‚

@f ah, that's the name. I misremembered it. I think the update came literally last week. I find it impressive and admirable Hello Games is still giving away major updates after all these years. They are like the reverse EA.

@gaveen Absolutely ๐Ÿ™‚I came back to the game, or was reminded of it, because somebody on here mentioned the new update and I read up about it and all the stuff looked interesting.

I agree. It's very impressive that they keep on adding massive updates to the game 8 years later ๐Ÿ™‚I bought it when it came out and I still continue to play it every few years.

I can't think of any other game which has added this much of free updates. Sure, some have paid DLCs but even those, I don't think have stretched on for an 8 year period. So hats off to Hello Games.