
Fahim Farook

I have a Python script which posts a protest post to Twitter every day using their API — it’s a political thing related to Sri Lanka that nobody else probably cares about 😛 (And that’s my only activity on Twitter for months now …)

Today, the script stopped working. I go to the Twitter developer dashboard and my app which was used by the script is no longer there. It also looks as if I can’t create a new app/project.

So I don’t know if this is a temporary outage, or another change in direction, but it looks as if using the free API (even if it is only to post 30 tweets a month and not 1,500) is out — at least for the time being.

I guess the slow collapse continues?

#Twitter #API #NonFunctional #TwitterCollapse

@f You nailed it: the slow collapse continues. I am mystified by some of the decisions they are making.

@AngelaPreston I think the issue here is that you think that there’s anybody capable of rational thought in charge over there 😀

I really wouldn’t be surprised to learn that systems are just shutting down and nobody is even monitoring things. And as users leave, they’ll have less notice of things failing since less and less people will be left to alert them of issues …

@f That is probably exactly right. And anyone who would have ordinarily said anything (and is still around) will probably keep their head down to avoid incurring the wrath of the owner. You know, I could probably have done at least as well with running that site as he has. Maybe I'm secretly a genius and should get a billion dollars.

@AngelaPreston I’m willing to bet that whole billion dollars that you are more of a genius than he is — he’s just an idiot who lucked out. Once you make enough money, everybody is willing to believe that you have to be smart, otherwise how’d you get that rich?

But as we’ve seen with other billionaires, having money doesn’t necessarily make you smart 😛