
Fahim Farook

I think I’ve talked about the old “Trek” game on here at least once or twice 🙂

I think I might be obsessed with it — mostly because there is this one magical version I remember from the early 90s that I can’t seem to find anywhere. (Of course, the magic might be all in my mind … or in the fact that I can’t find it 😛)

I did some fiddling with a Mac OS 9 emulator this weekend and in the process ran across the “Trek” game again and it got me looking at “Trek” games in general again. In the process, I came across a version of the game for Windows 9x that is probably the most feature-filled version that I’ve seen (screenshot attached).

That made me think of re-writing a version of the game myself and I kind of got started last night. All I have so far is a plan for what I want it to look like … or at least half a plan (second screenshot).

Not sure if I’ll actually go through with completing it, but it’s a nice thing to dream about 🙂

#Game #StarTrek #Coding #SwiftUI
A screenshot from the game “Sta…
A screenshot from an early atte…

@f I loved that game! Hope you do it.

@troz I’ve made a bit more progress since I like working out the UI and figuring out how it should all work in this new version … But not sure if I’ll get around to completing it. Will let you know if I do 🙂
WIP screenshot from “Trek” game…