It's a nonlinear story with two POVs in 1st person, switched with a name at the start of each chapter. I am currently telling a story 7 years prior to the present story as MC1. Now I have a sequence that starts as a flashback but is best told by MC2. It's 13 years back and I tell it in MC2's POV. Then we return to MC1 at 7 years prior. Later we return to the present.
Is this too jumpy?
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@sfwrtr I once read a crime / spy thriller / scifi novel that took place in three intersecting timelines, with alternate versions of each character, and jumping back and forth in time. So, I'm thinking there's no such thing as too jumpy. 😄
@sfwrtr I recently read The Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley and she used multiple POVs as well as old journal entries 15 yrs prior to the current story. It worked for me. Tho sometimes I had to go back and check whose head I was in. I liked this book a lot.