
Fahim Farook

"Meiyazhagan" ( is a beautiful movie.

It starts out with so much sadness β€” the achingly beautiful song which accompanies the protagonist as he leaves his hometown, the little touches like the lights being turned off in the house, the protagonist picking up a leaf as a momento β€” these and so many other little touches contribute to the beauty of the opening.

I've lost the feeling of sadness you feel on moving house. We've moved around so much that it has become commonplace to me. But this movie brought back that feeling in spades. It was nostalgic, and a little sad.

Then there's the relationship between the protagonist and his wife. It feels so true. So close to life. I just enjoyed the conversations between them so much.

Add to that the greenery of the village, so different from all the recent movies about city life. It almost feels like a different time, a different place. So familiar, and yet not something that I can find today.

The whole movie has so many little touches which make it flow so beautifully and stirs up sentiment.

Maybe you have to be a certain age to enjoy this movie. I don't know. But I certainly did enjoy it.

#Movies #Tamil #Sentimental #Memories

@f Thank you for sharing. This makes me want to watch it. I suspect I’ll like it even though I don’t speak the language. I am, I think, old enough to relate to and recognize some of the concepts.


@f thanks for sharing. I've absolutely lost touch with Tamil movies these days. I am sort of lost where even to start. I'll add this first on the list :)

@aerobender You're welcome πŸ™‚ I haven't been very happy with Tamil movies recently because most seemed to be just hyper-violent revenge/justice dramas ....

But this was such a refreshing change. It was just one person's journey and Aravind Swamy is so brilliant in the main character. I can't say enough about his performance.

I've also heard good things about "Lubber Pandhu" and it's in my to-watch list, but I haven't watched it yet and so don't know if it stands up to the hype or not πŸ™‚