
I am a stubborn idiot and so is my friend. We went out after work looking for the "treasure" a local bank hid. If you find it, it's worth $5000!

They have posted two clues and I really thought I had figured out where it was.

We got there and nearly immediately got caught in a terrible rain squall (20% chance of rain MY FOOT!).

We got completely soaked. My shoes got squelchy, even my underwear was soaked! But did we stop and head back to the car?

No. I mean, we were already as wet as we were going to get, and it wasn't cold. So we kept searching.

I wish I could say we found it, but we did not. However, there is more to that area that we didn't explore so we're going back out, probably tomorrow after work.

Someone's going to find it, and it might as well be us!

@AngelaPreston That sounds exciting. Hope you find it 🙂