
Fahim Farook

I've been working on my Scrivener text analyzer over the weekend and while I initially thought that it might take about 3 - 4 days at least to see progress, I've been able to get to a fairly functional level in just two days πŸ™‚

At this point, I have a working app which can load a Scrivener document, extract just the manuscript text, parse it and provide information and identify components of text β€” like unique words, or repeated words and the word count.

If you select one of the words from the list, the viewer highlights every occurence of the word in the document. So I'm very pleased with where things are now πŸ™‚

All that remains is to do the following:
1. Add the ability to detect specific types of words like nouns, verbs, adjectives etc.
2. Add the ability to detect/hightlight specific words or phrases added by the user.

At that point, I believe it does everything that I want it to do. This should work on any platform but I have only tested under macOS. If anybody is interested in testing it out, let me know and I'll see about setting up a download.

#WritingTools #Coding #Scrivener #Flutter #macOS #SideProjects #Writing
A screenshot of a macOS app sho…

@f z I'm intrigued. I'm one scrivener on Mac. Tell me what this thing does?

@orionkidder It lets you figure out overused words at the moment, possibly πŸ™‚It shows you lists of unique words in your text as well as repeated words and their count.

It also does some other text analysis about words which appear together but that's not quite ready yet.

The idea is that I'll add additional functionality which allows you to add a list of words or phrases that you want to watch out for and the app will highlight the occurencce of these in the document too. But that parts not done yet.

@f Ah, I see. Not something I'm concerned about, but sounds like it would be very useful to lots of people.