

I have one of those 😆 It's grown with each book & includes any words that might indicate a problem, like fillers, passive voice, words I am prone to repeat too often or misspell, etc & so forth. Part of my self-editing process is to search for each word in turn.

@Emmacox When I used Word, I had a Word macro which would find all these words (or a specific type of word) when I ran the macro 🙂 I just had to add a new word to the list and I was (mostly) done ...

Haven't actually figured out what to do now that I've switched away from Word.
@Emmacox Yep, me too 🙂I mean once I switched to Scrivener, I stopped looking into whether there is any scripting/automation capabilities ....

You've given me the motivation I needed to look into this. So will probably check into it this weekend. Will let you know if I find anything useful.
@Emmacox I was curious and took a look at the options available with Scrivener. Apparently, they don't provide any way to script or to add plugins. So apparently that path is out 😞

However, they do have an option under Edit > Writing Tools > Linugistic Focus... which allows you to find some types of words. But not words from a custom list.

The Scriverner documents are just RTF files. So it should be possible to simply load the files in a separate app and do any kind of search you want. I might look into this if I have some time.