
Fahim Farook

I got my first unsolicited feedback about my novel today and it has made my day (and probably week) 😀

I know that sometimes "unsolicited" is looked upon negatively. But in this case, what I mean is that I didn't ask somebody what they thought of my book. They volunteered the information and let me tell you, I personally am elated when somebody tells me something (whether good or bad) about something I wrote. Because that tells you that it made an impression on them in some way.

I wrote that book about 20 years ago, but so far had not had any direct feedback except for when I asked, or when somebody left. a review on a site. Reviews on a site somewhere that I might not see for years don't have as great an impact, at least for me, as when somebody tells me personally. So, for me, this was a big milestone. And I'm really happy about it 🙂

#Writing #Feedback #IndieAuthor #Reviews