
Fahim Farook

Most of the missing features and minor annoyances about my custom Fedi client are now fixed. So I think it's at the stage where I say, "I'm (mostly) done" ...

Of course, now I start looking around for another app to work on 😛

There are plenty of candidates since there are several apps I did for my wife that are currently in #Swift and since I'm moving away from #Swift, it might be good to convert them to #Flutter.

But what I keep coming back to is a new #Writing app 🙂

I use Scrivener for writing and I love it. It's very useful for keeping all the informattion about a story together. But I want a few things that are missing from Scrivener. Is it worth creating a whole new app for those? I don't know ... but I'm looking at options right now and trying to decide.

#Coding #Writing #Scrivener #Apps