I'm the opposite: I rarely look at any of my dashboards (there're 5. Plus my direct sales platform, but those funds come in right away.) I check stats when I'm uploading a new book which means after this year I might only look once per year. 😆 It's like a holiday when Amazon sends a "payment coming" announcement. Two vendors don't pay until a certain threshold is reached--the day that happens will really be exciting. 🤣
@mythopoetica Ya know, that's IS a really great title for a weird thriller though 🤔 Or an organized crime novel 😆
When I first self-published, I was checking my dashboard every 15 minutes. I'm not so bad now.
More introverted with an adversion to depressing information 🤣 I always preferred to imagine doing better, like Shrodinger's books--delaying certainty and letting success and failure co-exist for a time.