
Fahim Farook

And ... The End 🙂(Though I've never actually put that at the end of a novel since the story always continues ...)

I've finally finished novel #2 — "Sir Lanka Files" (no, not a typo).

I thought I had 1.5 chapters to go according to my original plan (and because I like round numbers and 1.5 chapters would have put the chapter count at 30).

But as I finished chapter 29, I realized that I had a better ending with chapter 29 (and a hook for the next novel). So I stopped at chapter 29 even though a part of my brain was screaming at me for ending on 29 😛

Now I begin the editing. So another month or so at least before it's ready for publishing?

#Writing #SciFi #IndieAuthor #FinallyDone