
I find myself wondering who I ticked off. I have had several attempts recently to hack into my account on another site, and on Steam today someone tried the "Oh noes! I accidentally reported your account, please help me undo it so you don't get suspended!"

Scammers tick me off, because I realize it's probably only a matter of time before they try something I do fall for. And I think of the folks who have already been scammed out of money and I get angry on their behalf. Tricking people out of their money is wrong. It's not smart, it's not "survival of the fittest," it's just evil.

But then I also know that folks seeking legitimate employment are being kidnapped and trafficked into Myanmar where they are forced to scam or be starved (or worse). What would I do in that situation?

Why aren't world leaders more interested in helping those people?

@AngelaPreston I don’t think you have to do *anything* to tick people off online 😛

I have had running attempts to hack my server, accounts etc. and (mind you, this is only a suspicion) I think it’s because “people” want my Instagram handle …

I’ve had multiple people approach me and say that they’ll buy my Instagram handle. And they have rationales such as “I can use it for my business”, “You’re not using it (fully)”, or “You must be a bot/scammer” — the last apparently because I don’t respond to their emails.

So yeah, people are just weird and they get weirder online because they think nobody sees them (or something) 😀

@f Excellent points. I suppose it's just part of life now.


@AngelaPreston I barely use the book of faces anymore but there are weeks I get upwards of 25 password reset attempts.

I guess I should be touched that somebody thinks my account it worth hacking but why?


@ScotttSee That is kind of my question - I don't do a lot there (it's to keep in touch with family now, mostly). I don't have a huge friend list and I'm not influential. Where is the value?