I find myself wondering who I ticked off. I have had several attempts recently to hack into my account on another site, and on Steam today someone tried the "Oh noes! I accidentally reported your account, please help me undo it so you don't get suspended!"
Scammers tick me off, because I realize it's probably only a matter of time before they try something I do fall for. And I think of the folks who have already been scammed out of money and I get angry on their behalf. Tricking people out of their money is wrong. It's not smart, it's not "survival of the fittest," it's just evil.
But then I also know that folks seeking legitimate employment are being kidnapped and trafficked into Myanmar where they are forced to scam or be starved (or worse). What would I do in that situation?
Why aren't world leaders more interested in helping those people? https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/12/17/world/asia/myanmar-cyber-scam.html?unlocked_article_code=1.PE0.zHkb.BfPwBkkNEIQe&smid=url-share
@AngelaPreston I barely use the book of faces anymore but there are weeks I get upwards of 25 password reset attempts.
I guess I should be touched that somebody thinks my account it worth hacking but why?
@ScotttSee That is kind of my question - I don't do a lot there (it's to keep in touch with family now, mostly). I don't have a huge friend list and I'm not influential. Where is the value?