
Fahim Farook

When I mentioned Obsidian ( and my new movie to-watch list solution, what I totally forgot to mention was how easy it was πŸ™‚

Given the lack of details, I didn’t realize at that point, that someone might think that you had to maybe copy and paste every value from IMDB or something. But really, it's much simpler ...

Once set up, all you do is search for a movie by name, select the right one from the results, and you're done!

I also forgot to point people to instructions that let you set it up yourself. Sorry about that!

Instructions here:

#Obsidian #MovieLists #SimpleSolutions #FreeSoftware

@f that's awesome! I'm always impressed what folks can build into Obsidian. You left great instructions for it all as well.

@xavdid Thanks πŸ™‚

Just to be clear, the instructions aren’t mine β€” they are by the developer of the Minimal theme, I believe. But they were very clear and I think the only place where I stumbled was coming to the instructions not realising that they were for the Minimal theme specifically, not installing the Minimal theme, and then not seeing the gallery as in the screenshots. But that was totally my bad πŸ™‚

I was super impressed by how easily I could modify the original approach to add my own custom data and to tweak everything.

Looking forward to the weekend where I can tinker some more!

@f I was intrigued when you posted about this the other day. Thanks for adding the links to instructions.

@techlifeweb Totally my bad there β€” I was so excited to talk about it that I forgot to provide the important info. Sorry about that πŸ™‚

@f No worries. I should probably not be getting into another project but this looks like a fun one :)

@techlifeweb At the risk of sending you down a rabbit hole when you really don’t want to, the basic set up takes less than a half hour πŸ™‚

Only thing to look out for is that you should have the Minimal theme installed for the gallery to work like in my screenshots and the guide. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out where that went wrong since the guide is from the Minimal theme docs and it doesn’t explicitly tell you to install the Minimal theme πŸ˜›

After that, most of my time was spent in customising the retrieved data to suit my particular needs. But the basic set up was very straightforward …

@f I got the IMDB gallery working in . You were right, it was pretty quick to set up. I run the Minimal theme anyway and had the building blocks in place already. Not I just need to tweak how the gallery looks.

@techlifeweb Tweaking the gallery for me was the fun part πŸ™‚

If you hover over a movie name, it shows you a popup with info from the card. But the template from the guide ends up showing an empty popover because the template only populated properties and did not add any text content to the movie notes/documents.

So I modified the template to add some extra values (like actors, plot etc.) to the note as text and that made things a lot more useful for me ….

I also did some work in the QuickAdd JavaScript code to add the release date for the movie and a few other items to get me exactly the info I needed. The release date was the most annoying because it was a text date and had to parsed to ISO format to give me an actual date property on the #Obsidian side … I think I still need to do some stuff with the date handling but it works for the time being β€” mostly πŸ˜›

If you do end up using the release date and doing some date parsing, one thing to look out for would be movies with no release date. OMDB then returns β€œN/A” and you have to parse that as a special case to return an ISO date value …

@f nice at some point, I will add movies to my "TvMaster"

I like the layout.

@keyle β€œTvMaster” looks nice β€” is that your own app? I mean personal vs. publicly available?

A long time ago I did a TV/movie tracking app with everything but the kitchen sink approach based on the Trakt API, but it became too unwieldy πŸ˜› Still use a lite version of the app (just weekly show monitoring and making sure that I watch them) but didn’t have anything for movies that was easy to use …

Which is why I finally opted for the Obsidian approach πŸ™‚

@f yeah see TVMaster here

only 2 known users so do let me know if you have issues if you try it :)

@keyle Thanks πŸ™‚

Will definitely be trying it out since I love trying out software. Will let you know if I run into issues or have suggestions … provided you want suggestions, of course πŸ™‚

@f I do, thanks!

@keyle I installed it and have been playing around with it. Love the interface!

I use TVMaze (amongst a few other sites πŸ˜›) to keep track of TV shows and so one feature I think I’d love would be to be able to import in all of my shows that I’ve already added on there …

Other than that, works beautifully and I can already see features that I’d like to see added πŸ™‚

For example:
1. A progress report for incomplete shows
2. A way to see the next upcoming episode and/or a way to see the next episodes this week or today …

Now you’ve got me itching to do something similar with movie support added in πŸ˜›

@f nice! not sure if their api would allow me to login and pull your shows... What did you mean for progress report? some kind of progress bar in the list? Intriguing idea πŸ€”

The colouring in the list should be indicative of "new show available" (orange) or "new season available" (purple)...

A summary for what's coming up is also interesting, although I don't save much info to disk but the basic, and I load on demand, so it would take a bit to change it! Thank you!

@keyle Yes, I had forgotten that the TVMaze API allows user-level access only to premium accounts. So scratch that πŸ˜›

Though I have this crazy idea of pulling together TVMaze, Trakt, and BetaSeries (since I use all three) and mark stuff as watched on the sites which do support free access …

Of course, all of this started with me seeing TvMaster, so I don’t know if I should blame you or not πŸ˜›

Yes, I was talking about a progress bar and possibly a count (total number of episodes aired vs. number of episodes watched) when I said progress report. We (my wife and I) watch a lot of stuff and seeing incomplete shows is probably useful … or maybe not …

I did notice the colouring but didn’t make the association. So yeah, that works πŸ™‚

Happy to provide suggestions and if you are looking for additional hands on the project, I would certainly be interested since I think I’m going to try my hand at something similar this weekend anyway πŸ˜›

But I’d probably start with SwiftData for what I wanted to do and that might not be the direction you want to go in. So just offering in case you want an extra pair of hands πŸ™‚