Edited 1 year ago

@ivory so this is a challenge. When I get this far behind I declare “Timeline Bankruptcy” and go to the top. But then I end up scrolling backwards and end up in an even more awkward state. Can I declare chapter 11 bankruptcy instead of chapter 7?

I’m picturing filtering out everything except most favorited or boosted items? I know that’s maybe heresy and getting algorithmy but sometimes I only have time for the highlight reel.

@cwagdev I designed my custom client around this exact thing ... OK, maybe not “designed”, it was more of an organic development 😛

Basically, I added a feature where people from posts can be filtered out of the main timeline. So, I add people who are prolific to lists, colour-code the lists, and then filter them out of the main timeline.

Well, not quite filter them out since that breaks timeline handling in a lot of ways, but I hide the content and put a tiny colour-coded strip which indicates which list the item came from.

That way, I can scroll through the main timeline easily and see the posts from the people I’m interested in and if I’m not busy, I can also expand the hidden list items I’m more interested in …

Works pretty well for me without getting too stressed out about how far behind I am …🙂
@cwagdev Thanks 🙂 These days my client has a lot of hidden rows, but on the other hand, I don’t stress out about catching up as much because I can tell at a glance what is important for me at the moment vs. what I can safely skip …

@f looks like a nice implementation of it!