
Fahim Farook

Edited 1 year ago
After trying out Threads for a while, found a bunch of things which makes it harder to deal with for me personally:

* There is a character limit to posts but no character counter. So I won’t know if I’m hitting the limit till I actually hit it.

* No desktop version. I don’t use mobile that much and switching away from the desktop to use Threads means I’ll use it less often. (Yes, I know about the website and the ability to view profiles, but there's no way to see the post timeline, that I know of, via web)

* No hashtag support. I find hashtags make searching for content so much easier …

* Speaking of search, you can only search for people — not content. So I can’t find people posting about interesting stuff unless I know who these people are in the first place. Or, find them serendipitously by coming across a post of theirs in the main timeline.

* The main timeline appears to be algorithmic, but geared towards those you follow and their follows maybe? I know that I’ve run into duplicates pretty quickly when I scroll down …

* No edit functionality. Which I miss sorely after being on the Fediverse 😛

* No personal timeline — so if you want to see only posts from those you follow, you’re out of luck.

#Threads #FirstImpressions #TwitterReplacements

@f Thank you a lot for this report.
So this sounds like a massive downgrade compared to Mastodon.

And additionally, apparently you can't add alt text, according to a blind person.

What a joke. 🤮


@f May I ask you more questions about basic features compared to Mastodon?

- Is there support for polls?
- Is there support for language selection (for your posts)?
- Is there support for content warnings?

@Wuzzy Nope, none of that 🙂 It feels basically like what it is, something which was rushed out because they wanted to cash in on the Twitter exodus …

It has some good points (I had another post earlier in the day with my first impressions) but the lack of features/functionality outweighs the good at the moment.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see if they quickly fix the issues or if it’s one of those cases where they say “Let’s wait to see what the engagement is like” before they add any new features 😛