
Fahim Farook

When I was younger, I would watch a movie trailer and remember all the details of the movie enough to remember to watch the movie months later when it came out. Now, if I can even remember some details from a trailer a week later, it is an achievement 😛

So, I decided to create a ToDo app which would remember stuff for me — movies, books, TV shows etc. and allow me to add a link to a site with details (such as IMDB) so that I can read about the movie in the app itself instead of going searching online.

This actually works pretty well for me in terms of remembering to catch up on a movie when it came out — especially after I added a release date to the list 🙂

But then, I realized that I can use the same app for coding tasks too. Sure, I guess it should have been obvious, but I already had a separate app for jotting down coding tasks …

Now, my app is morphing again as I look at ways to make the coding tasks side of things work with my regular flow.

Would it have been better to keep this as two separate apps?

But then I’d have to split development time between the two apps. This way, I can do all the dev work in one project.

However, the app might become “heavier” trying to accommodate two separate types of data/workflows …

Decisions, decisions 😛

#Coding #Swift #SwiftUI #iOS #macOS #Tasks #DesignDecisions


@f That sounds very cool!


@f "I don't have a Photogrpahic memory but my phone does!"

@AngelaPreston Thank you. Honestly though, I thought it was overkill — who else was going to use it besides me given that there’s like a ton of ToDo apps out there? 😛

But creating an app which met my exact needs seemed like the way to go when I did it. And here we are 🙂
@AndrewMettier LOL. Well, I used to have a semi-photographic memory, but now I have to rely on my phone 😛

But yeah, I guess I might as well put those processor cycles to work since I certainly don’t use it for making phone calls 😀

@f I generally make that decision by how similar the user tasks are going to be between the two and how similar the data will be for the two things. If they are similar enough that you’ll be able to reuse a bunch of code, then it’ll be worthwhile. But if you’re mushing two things together by force, then better to leave them separate.