
I am thinking about people who create cool stuff, when they get to the point where they start thinking "Hey, this is pretty cool and people seem to like it."

And instead of just being happy with having created something so cool, they start feeling cheated. They start thinking, "Everyone loves this thing! I should be making a LOT MORE MONEY than I am!!" I feel like that wasn't always the inevitable conclusion, but maybe it really has been and it was only government regulations that kept it somewhere near reasonable.

@AngelaPreston Back in the late 90s and early oughts, I used to develop a lot of software. It was all distributed for free over the Internet since I actually believed in the concept of free software 🙂

I enjoyed talking to people about the software I developed and getting their feedback and had quite a community going around the stuff I developed. And as far as I can recall, I never felt as if people should pay me money for the work I did. I did it because I loved it and I continued to do it because people enjoyed it.

However, I must also add that back then it wasn’t as easy to sell stuff. No app stores were present and you had to jump through a lot of hoops to sell anything online — especially if you were not in the US (as I was for at least part of that time).

So yeah, there are some of us who do like just creating things. But the flip side of the coin is that these days, there also seems to be more of a sense of entitlement to people 🙂 Even if they get something for free, there seem to be more people who seem to feel that they are owed something just because they used the software. At least in my hazy recollections, that didn’t seem to be so much the case back then — people appreciated what somebody did for free and contributed in their own way, either as feedback, art, spreading the word, or simply talking to you.

So the current situation might be a mix of a bit of both — creators getting more money-concious as well as users getting more entitled? I don’t know if that is indeed the case, but just a possibility ….