
Fahim Farook

Looks as if the “Trek” game re-make is continuing … at least for a bit 😛

I got some coding time yesterday and so did some more work. Now the Long Range Scanner and Short Range Scanner work and you can navigate in either scanner view by simply tapping where you want to go … So progress 🙂

Also made things look a little bit prettier … though that might be my opinion and not yours 😛

Maybe next weekend I’ll get to do some more work, I guess we’ll see … While I think Flutter would have made this even more easy to code, SwiftUI has held its own so far …

#Game #StarTrek #Coding #SwiftUI #macOS
A screenshot from WIP “Trek” ga…

@f Funny the things you forget playing. I can't recall if I saw this on an IBM PC first or s mainframe.

@lolzac Yeah, you forget so many things over the years 🙂

I know I’ve played it on both a PC and on a mainframe and recently I’ve also played it on Windows and Mac OS 9 using VMs.

But I’ve been searching for the PC version that I remember and still can’t find that exact version. Now I wonder if perhaps I just remember the PC version wrong? 😛