
Fahim Farook

Apparently Melon Husk wants to start “TruthGPT” to rival OpenAI and Google. If this is going to be anything like his “free speech” efforts on Twitter, you know that “truth” is the furthest thing you’ll get from “TruthGPT” 😛

Also didn’t Melon-boy sign a letter asking for a pause on development of systems more powerful than GPT-4 for at least 6 months? So why is *he* going ahead with development of new systems? Doesn’t the pause apply to him?

Or was the pause only so that he (and others) can catch up? 😛

The way these people do u-turns is likely to give whiplash to people if anybody actually paid attention 😀

#MachineLearning #DeepLearning #GPT


If he believes his own "existential threat" claims, it amounts to "nukes for me but not for thee".

(Personally I think the risks are major but not existential, and mostly come from bad actors using poorly aligned models for their own nefarious purposes, which is exactly what "TruthGPT" sounds like it will be.)

@eloquence Exactly 🙂

If we are worried about “existential” threats, then there are more urgent things that he (and others) can concentrate on … but since they are ready to colonize Mars, I guess threats to Earth don’t matter that much but the tech they can take to Mars with them matters? 😛 (OK, just for the sake of clarity, I’m kidding about Mars but I think that’s the level of thinking we are seeing … )