Canadian who wanders. Redhead by choice. Former accountant. Kitchen witch. Hobbyist photographer. Wannabe artist. Love sci-fi/fantasy. Disabled, chronically ill, neurodivergent. Anti-bigotry. She/her. 🇨🇦 🇱🇰 🇳🇿 🇸🇬 🇲🇾 🇫🇷 🇦🇪 🇪🇸 🇵🇹 🇶🇦

#DigitalArt #Procreate #ProcreateArt #Art #Photography #Cooking #DisabledCooking #Baking #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #LanguageLearning #Travel #Expat #Disabled #ChronicallyIll

It was interesting to see how he modified his hover technique to work on a flower that’s mostly upright. Also liked the nice soft light.


Something I have worked hard on is trying to identify the source of my discomfort and stress when Going Places and Doing Things.

I am and doing a new thing is always inherently stressful because it is unfamiliar and I don’t know what to expect.

So I gave myself a rule that I will try something three times before I even try and decide whether I like it and want to keep doing it or not.

The first time is just a total write off. It’s the first pancake. Always going to suck and it’s not my fault.

The second time is to work out what’s going on and how it works so that by the third time I have some idea what to expect.

And only then do I try and work out whether I enjoyed it and whether I want to keep doing it.

Surprisingly, taking a few years off Going Places and Doing Things has actually made me better at this. I will tell two stories of recent GP&DTs.

1. I joined a day program for autistic adults. Surprisingly, I actually had a good time the first time I went but all the other participants were much higher needs than me and were non-verbal and needed 1:1 support. So I went on a different day the second time.

There weremore moderate needs folks that time and speaking people and non-speaking but able to play board games and things. I tooted about That Guy who kept touching me.

And it was still a New Thing to be there but I was able to tell that the stress of the day was mostly That Guy and partly it being a New Thing.

So I figure… I can make That Guy not a problem (staff are shielding me from him, yay), and after a while it won’t be a New Thing.

And then I can decide whether I like it enough to keep going. So I will go at least one more time (this will be four times but since I changed days I reset the counter.)

2. I also went to a picnic recently and at the picnic there was another That Guy of a slightly different flavour. I also tooted about him.

So I at the picnic I was stressed out because of That Guy, and also because it was a New Thing… and also because there was lots of people.

If I kept going I know I could just not talk to That Guy and talk to people who don’t show me their adult toys within minutes of meeting me. It would also stop being a New Thing.

BUT it would probably not stop being a thing with lots of people having lots of conversations all at once. That source of stress would remain.

So I don’t even need to try and go to that one three times because I already know that it being a New Thing is not the problem.

So I am extremely pleased with my ability to untangle those different sources of stress. It is so easy to try something once and have a bad time and not want to go back… and not know when it is worth pushing through and trying again.

So I feel like this is a good skill to try and acquire and I recommend it a lot!


Two river otters, on an oyster shell.

I went to the zoo and took videos of the otters swimming, and then used screen shots to get good poses. So much easier than trying to snap a photo at the exact right moment; I can't believe it took me so long to figure that out.

Soon to be for sale in the shop at the Seattle Art Museum. For information on purchasing, see my website:


This is the skylight over the circulation desk at the main branch of the Portsmouth, Ohio Public Library. The librarian was kind enough to let me lie down on the floor behind the desk to try to get the entire thing in frame -and still no joy. It's a massive window. The library is one of the many financed by Andrew Carnegie at the turn of the 20th century and is a treasure trove of interesting architectural details.


A little piece inspired from my trip to Scotland, the forests felt positively primordial!


The Loo at the End of the World. Now in colour! Made in using Frankentoon’s great Nomad 2



Hi there, I'm an that paints primary in , but have been known to dabble with and .

I'm here to share my and meet other artists as well.

I LOVE as well!

Would love to see some day.

Happy to be here!


Lovely lighthouse in Gosier in Guadeloupe


It's started to get hot on this side of the mountains and not for the first time I'm looking forward to cooler weather... but maybe not that much cooler!


If you ever wanted a visual to explain how binary in works.


Hey, just arrived on this instance, so let me do a new

I am a software developer from Brazil, living in... Brazil

c/c++ is my passion language, likes shell scripts and currently I'm studying go and rust. Oh, I do some python too.

Love playing and developing video games (very often end up making mini engines instead of actual games)

Full support to the LGBTQ+ community, fuck racism and fascism; lets fight to make a better world for everyone!

Old account (circa 2018):


Updating my in anticipation of another influx of folks to the Fediverse.

I'm a queer Black (agender/transmasculine) , long-time @wikipedia editor, and resident.

If you like my writing, please follow me on @medium, where I blog about gender, social justice, veganism, and other topics:

I'm also on :


Beaver fine art

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