Canadian who wanders. Redhead by choice. Former accountant. Kitchen witch. Hobbyist photographer. Wannabe artist. Love sci-fi/fantasy. Disabled, chronically ill, neurodivergent. Anti-bigotry. She/her. 🇨🇦 🇱🇰 🇳🇿 🇸🇬 🇲🇾 🇫🇷 🇦🇪 🇪🇸 🇵🇹 🇶🇦

#DigitalArt #Procreate #ProcreateArt #Art #Photography #Cooking #DisabledCooking #Baking #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #LanguageLearning #Travel #Expat #Disabled #ChronicallyIll
@helplessduck I can't do leftovers older than next day - mast cell activation disorder and histamines. Yay. I could freeze them, but my freezer isn't that big.

Sorry to hear about your knees and hips. That sucks. I got rid of (most of) my spasms by taking magnesium malate. Helps with a seized back, also. I still have back pain, but not like I do if I don't take it. I hope you feel better soon.

I can't prep too much at once because sitting at a chair with knees at 90 degrees hurts. I tend to do some chopping, take a break, do some more, take a break, and so on.


Stupid knees. I've been having weird spasms in my lower back and hips (hips?? wtf is that? I'm not even forty!)
I like to take some time at the beginning of the week to cook off four or five chicken breasts I've marinated in different ways in the oven, make a bunch of quinoa or other grain, and prep veggies for salad. I can throw them together with virtually no effort. I'll dig up some more specific stuff. I hope it gets better soon. ☺️


Does anyone on the fediverse know enough to translate this page from my family bible?

Also, any religious scholars who might be able to tell me about what's on these pages?

Boosts very welcome so I can reach people in and circles.


Some additional context has been added in replies, but for those wondering about age:

"The oldest leaves I think are 11th century, the majority of the leaves look like 14th-16th century […]"


Finally getting around to my


I don't know as more stuff comes to mind I'll edit/repost as needed


Cassandra 🏳️‍⚧️

Hello everyone! I was never a bird app user really but was big on Reddit until they shut the 3rd party apps down. I'm a 29 year old mobile app developer (react native) and I heard this was the place to go to find more trans people. Been on hormones since the 18th of may this year so I'm not ready to share a profile picture just yet. Also I'm from the UK.


Not entirely random observation at least in the corners of the I’m following the big tech company I see with the widest adoption of the Fediverse by a diversity of their employees is Apple. I see not just developers but leaders of various parts of Apple, PR folks, writers, marketers and more. Are there any other big companies with a lot of folks active here? (Whether tech companies or not)

@pencilears I take shortcuts as needed, too. It's that right now, it's every day. We were doing outside food for a while because I couldn't do anything, but it gets tiring and I'd rather have my own food, as would the hubs. And he's a huge help, but he doesn't cook.

Part of the problem is my attitude, though. Before marriage, I'd eat snackie things for meals. But I internally insist on serving him actual meals even though he's clearly stated he doesn't care. Thank you for that reminder.

@Laurie totally reasonable, I like to prop myself up on a tall stool sometimes when I'm cooking on a bad back day, but I assume I have different mobility issues than you do

That said, I tend to go for a pickle plate on days when I'm not gonna get any worthwhile cooking done in the summer, and casseroles in the winter.

@Sisuile of course!

My top tip? Don't become disabled. 🤣 Oops! Too late!
@AspiringLuddite we've lived in places with very very small kitchens, so I've learned to be creative, too. 🤣

I haven't always had an oven, so I made cake and casseroles in my rice cooker. Needs must and all that.
@SRLevine thanks for your comment. Yup, we have a microwave, and that's a good suggestion for wilting greens. As for pasta sauces and the like, I regularly hide other veggies in them. 🤣 more veggies is better.

@Laurie It's maybe slightly less flavorful, but if you have access to a microwave you can quick cook a lot of green vegetables (spinach, arugula, etc) and then just briefly toss them with some oil + garlic (+ chili flakes if you like) that you heat together in one of the other devices. I usually top with grated cheese (parmesan or similar). You can also add the greens to things like tomato sauce and dump the whole thing over pasta. Just don't cook them too long in the microwave, only wilt them.

@Steveg58 @aeronaute I often skip the browning meat step for pressure cooking because of the hassle, but that's a good idea, browning it in the oven/air fryer first. That's much less fuss. Thanks!
@aeronaute we've tried roasted Brussels sprouts, and find them too bitter for our tastes when they're slightly charred. Does putting them under the potatoes help,prevent that? It seems to me it would. That might be a better way for us to have Brussels sprouts. That's a good idea. Thanks!

@aeronaute @Laurie
Also second using a sheet pan to brown meat and vegies before dumping them in the pressure cooker.
Many recipes that require browning meat and cooking onions will produce quite acceptable results in a pressure cooker even if you skip those steps.
Rice or barley risotto or a briyani even a tagine type dish can be constructed in a pressure cooker with minimal fussing around.


@Laurie Besides the sheet pan roasted veggies that were mentioned, you can often add them into a meat you're roasting. For roast chicken, I put a base of Brussels sprouts, a layer of thickly sliced potatoes, and the chicken on top, along with any of the fat I pulled off around it. The sprouts and potatoes roast in the chicken fat/juices at they drip down.

Not cheap, but a Themomix (or similar) is a blender/cooker combo, that can constantly stir sauces as they cook, and makes great risotto.

@Alicircles I like digital mostly because I can be comfortable/not in pain doing it, plus I can smooth the lines easier (osteoarthritis + joint instability).

French is... interesting. I have a difficult time understanding it spoken. It sounds to me like a lot of words are mumbled or just not enunciated clearly. Spanish is much easier in that respect. But reading, French is easier, no doubt in part because of my years of reading the backs of cereal boxes! (I'm Canadian, and by law, all packaging must have both English and French.)
@jmelesky Thank you for your suggestions. Dal is on my list. I can simplify that fairly well as you said.

I generally mix my own seasoning mixes, but you're right, I need to look for curry pastes and the like. I have avoided them because I have spice allergies, and so many products don't list individual spices, but I need to take another look and see what I can find.

@Laurie Dal in a slow cooker might be up your alley, and it can phase down to extremely easy.

Most recipes online will have you chop veg, maybe even toast some spices, but you can make something edible and enjoyable with nothing but lentils, water, and a spice pre-mix (I use Patak’s).

Easy steps to add include adding some salt and oil, and adding some shredded or chopped greens (kale will retain texture, spinach will add flavor but wilt to the point of disappearing, etc). And, of course, if you have the energy, you can chop onions and toast sesame seeds and all that.

But you can make a big batch of something savory and nutritious with just the lentils, water, and a spice mix. Eat it for a week if that’s something you can do, or eat it for a day or two and freeze the rest–it keeps reasonably well.

Hope that helps!

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