
Laurie Ashton Farook

It looks like it's time for me to do another #introduction since the husband @fahim and I are on a new instance that's just for us. He's been dabbling with various ones for the last month, but we think we're settled. This one is #akkoma, not #mastodon, and if you have technical questions, ask him.

I'm working on becoming an artist, hence all the artwork and tutorial posts. I mainly do digital on my iPad using Procreate, and at some point soon want to learn how to use Rebelle.

I cook just about everything, but less so as my #disabled self loses mobility. I've lived in a bunch of countries. I'm a hobbyist photographer. I'm a Canuck and I'm married to a Sri Lankan who I met over the Internet. And I've been on the Internet since before it was called the Internet.

I am equal parts weird, boring, tired, eclectic, and what the heck.
